By Vin Gurrieri (October 1, 2021, 10:17 PM EDT) — A new U.S. Supreme Court term kicks off Monday, setting the stage for the justices to decide several employment-related cases, including a challenge from CVS to an appeals court loss in a discrimination battle.
The U.S. Supreme Court is set to weigh in on various employment-related cases this term. (
Here are four questions about workplace law the justices are poised to answer.
Are Disparate Impact Claims Allowed in Disability Bias Cases Under the Affordable Care Act?
Among the highlights of the high court’s employment docket this term will be a case involving whether people with disabilities can pursue disparate impact…
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The concept of veto power in legislative processes holds a significant place in democratic governance, and India, as the world’s largest democracy, has a complex and nuanced legislative structure.