Section 81 of Trademark Act, 1999:
Stamping of piece goods, cotton yarn and thread.
Stamping of piece goods, cotton yarn and thread.—
(1) Piece goods, such as are ordinarily sold by length or by the piece, which have been manufactured, bleached, dyed, printed or finished in premises which are a factory, as defined in the Factories Act, 1948 (63 of 1948), shall not be removed for sale from the last of such premises in which they underwent any of the said processes without having conspicuously stamped in international form of Indian numerals on each piece the length thereof in standard yards, or in standard yards and a fraction of such a yard, or in standard metres or in standard metres and a fraction of such a metre, according to the real length of the piece, and, except when the goods are sold from the factory for export from India, without being conspicuously marked on each piece with the name of the manufacturer or of the occupier of the premises in which the piece was finally processed or of the wholesale purchaser in India of the piece.
(2) Cotton yarn such as is ordinarily sold in bundles, and cotton thread, namely, sewing, darning, crochet or handicraft thread, which have been manufactured, bleached, dyed or finished in any premises not exempted by the rules made under section 82 shall not be removed for sale from those premises unless, in accordance with the said rules in the case of yarn—
(a) the bundles are conspicuously marked with an indication of the weight of yarn in English or the metric system in each bundles; and
(b) the count of the yarn contained in the bundles and in the case of thread each unit is conspicuously marked with the length or weight of thread in the unit and in such other manner as may be required by the said rules; and
(c) except where the goods are sold from the premises for export from India, unless each bundle or unit is conspicuously marked with the name of the manufacturer or of the wholesale purchaser in India of the goods: Provided that the rules made under section 82 shall exempt all premises where the work is done by members of one family with or without the assistance of not more than ten other employees, and all premises controlled by a co-operative society where not more than twenty workers are employed in the premises.
The Trade Marks ACT, 1999
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