Order 41 Rule 18:- Dismissal of appeal where notice not served in consequence of appellant’s failure to deposit costs.

  • May 19, 2021

Dismissal of appeal where notice not served in consequence of appellant’s failure to deposit costs. –
Where on the day fixed, or on any other day to which the hearing may be adjourned, it is found that the notice to the respondent has not been served in consequence of the failure of the appellant to deposit, within the period fixed, the sum required to defray the costs of serving the notice [or, if the notice is returned unserved, and it is found that the notice to the respondent has not been issued in consequence of the failure of the appellant to deposit, within any subsequent period fixed, the sum required to defray the cost of any further attempt to serve the notice,] the Court may make an order that the appeal be dismissed:
Provided that no such order shall be made although the notice has not been served upon the respondent, if on any such day the respondent appears when the appeal is called on for hearing.


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