The Delhi High Court on Wednesday said that the national capital, on the civic front, is falling by leaps and bounds every day and it “cannot go down any further”. The court said that it appears that the duty of the municipal corporations is only to pay salaries and pensions to their employees.
“It is a dismal state of affairs of the city. Hundreds of crores as salaries and pensions and what is happening to the city. Everywhere there is dengue, there is garbage, cattle roaming in the streets, roads are in bad shape. Where is this city going? For the last six months, this bench is only catering to the salaries of petitioners (municipal employees)… We are asking them (corporations) to sell their properties, telling GNCTD to give money but what is happening? Where is the sense of responsibility of the petitioners and municipality?” said the division bench of Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice Jasmeet Singh during the hearing of a matter related to salaries of the employees of municipal bodies.
The court said it has been fighting for the rights of municipal employees and corporations but on the ground there seems to be little happening when it comes to discharge of obligations. It also referred to the conditions in Sainik Farms and said that it continues to “be as dirty as shabby” and cows there are roaming around and eating plastic.
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